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香港法国女皇Mistress Euryale

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"Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition."
Timothy Leary
Mistress Euryale mirror.jpg
...And men who want to know their place come to me.
"Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition."
Timothy Leary
...And men who want to know their place come to me.
"Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition."
Timothy Leary
...And men who
want to know their place come to me.

有时有人问我是怎么去BDSM的。 答案很简单:我很早就知道我“喜欢”了。 我青春期的大部分时间都在阅读对这个话题充满热情的法国和欧洲作家。 Catherine Robbe-Grillet、Pauline Réage、Marquis de Sade、Pierre Bourgeade 和 Sacher-Masoch,仅举几例经典之作。 这些都是引起我求知欲的作品。 后来我发现了 Guibert、Nin、Dustan、Haraway、Navarre、Despentes 和 Butler,这些都是我的最爱,但那是另一天的故事了…… 我是一个探险家,所以我认为所有的知识都没有什么价值,除非他们在适当的时候付诸实践越快越好。 在巴黎和欧洲,我毫不犹豫地尝试了 BDSM实践和关系。 相比之下,所谓的“香草”关系(非BDSM)并没有引起我的注意。在我二十出头的时候,我玩耍、练习和旅行,然后在巴黎正式成为职业施虐女王。 因此,我很快就掌握了专业人士的技能,并开始了自己的启蒙:从亲密关系到非正式关系。 在一个典型的BDSM调教过程中,我邀请你成为我无尽幻想的主题,为你提供最好的表演座位:我高兴的受害者的观点。 从虐恋关系中产生不断变化的同谋; 统治/服从关系的晴雨表是令人兴奋和无限的。

虽然我已经体验了施虐受虐的乐趣,将我的顺从者拖入我的虐待狂的礁石——以身体疼痛为导向,但我也通过角色扮演更深入地探索了BDSM的心理方面。 滑入虐待狂的护士、无情的老板或专横的女友的皮肤,我喜欢扮演一个现实而残酷的角色,就像我喜欢玩弄你的弱点来揭露你的小肮脏秘密一样。我认为我的统治是一种艺术边界上的实践,从自发和创造性的角度来看。 经过多年的经验,我掌握了一千零一种玩弄你内心深处的欲望和暴露你的弱点的方法。 你会发现自己的极限,无论是在奴役、屈辱、对痛苦的忍耐中,还是在快乐中。 我会喜欢你脸上表现出的恐惧,或者你自愿服从的喜悦:然后你会发现我眼中闪耀着温柔或虐待狂,或者两者兼而有之。的我有时会被问到我的研究:我特别欣赏什么样的顺从。 我没有准确的答案,但我可以说我首先被智慧和好奇心所吸引。 你的全心投入和放手的能力也会被注意到和赞赏,尽管这是你可能会随着时间和经验学到的东西。我认为您的智慧和天生的好奇心将在我们的调教过程中和我们的关系中得到表达,并将渗透您对BDSM的态度和愿景,我个人很高兴。对我的忠诚是不言而喻的。的2020 年,我决定将我的两个爱好结合起来,开始制作、导演和表演关于我对 BDSM 的看法的调教视频和短片。 这些电影可以在线免费获得,也可以在我的商店中获得。 我现在致力于我的电影制作和我在香港和世界各地作为专业母夜叉的活动,热衷于结识新的奉献者以及继续电影制作的美学追求和创造力。

I am sometimes asked how I went to BDSM. The answer is simple: I knew very early that I was "into it". I spent most of my adolescence reading French and European authors, who were passionate about this topic. Catherine Robbe-Grillet, Pauline Réage, Marquis de Sade, Pierre Bourgeade, and Sacher-Masoch, to name a few of the classic ones. These are the works that aroused my intellectual curiosity. Later I discovered Guibert, Nin, Dustan, Haraway, Navarre, Despentes, and Butler, all of which are my favorites, but that's a story for another day...

I am an explorer, therefore I see all knowledge has little value unless they are put into practice when the time comes - the sooner the better. In Paris and Europe, I did not hesitate to experiment with BDSM practices and relationships. In contrast, the so-called "vanilla" relationships (non-BDSM) did not attract a single bit of my attention.

In my early twenties, I played, practiced, and traveled, before officially becoming a Professional Dominatrix in Paris. I thus soon acquired the skills of a pro domme and pursued my own initiation: from intimate relationships to impermanent relationships.
In a typical BDSM session, I invite you to become the subject of my endless fantasies, offering you the best seat of the show: my delighted victim's point of view. From an impermanent relationship arises changing complicity; the barometer of domination/submission relationships being exciting and infinite.

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While I have practiced the pleasures of sadomasochism, dragging my submissives into the reefs of my sadism - physical pain oriented, I have also explored more deeply the psychological aspects of BDSM plays through roleplays. Sliding into the skin of a sadistic nurse, a merciless boss, or a tyrannical girlfriend, I like to play a realistic and cruel character, as much as I like to play with your weak points to bring out your little dirty secrets.

I see my domination as a practice at the border of art, in a spontaneous and creative perspective. After many years of experience, I master the thousand and one ways of playing with your deepest desires and revealing your weaknesses. You will discover your limits, either in servitude, humiliation, endurance to pain, or pleasure. I will take delight in the fright your face will express, or the joy of your voluntary submission: then you will find tenderness or sadism shining in my eyes, or a bittersweet mix of both.
I am sometimes asked for my research: what kind of submissive I particularly appreciate. I do not have an accurate answer, but I can say that I am attracted to intelligence and curiosity above all. Your complete devotion and ability to let go will also be noticed and appreciated, although this is something that you might learn with time and experience.
I consider that your intelligence and your natural curiosity will be expressed in our sessions and in our relationship and will impregnate your attitude and your vision of BDSM, for my personal pleasure.
Devotion to me is self-evident.
In 2020 I decided to bring two of my passions together and started producing, directing, and performing femdom videos and short films about my vision of BDSM. These films are available online, for free, and in my stores. I am now dedicated to my film production and my activity as a professional Dominatrix in Hong Kong and around the world, passionate about meeting new devotees as well as continuing the aesthetic pursuit and the creativity of filmmaking.
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